Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Islam as a religious studies


Islam as a religious courses. Not infrequently we see the actions and attitude of a person who still confuse between truth and progress. What he saw as progress, and immediately be judged properly. In fact, the truth is different from the ideal of progress. Truth is non-comulative (not increased), while progress is cumulative (increases). That is, the truth will remain that way the whole time, while the standard was developed to follow the progress of time. Religion, philosophy, and art including the category of non-cumulative.Something that is considered true since time immemorial, until now still be accepted as is also true. Of course the author meant the truth after truth through a process or mechanism. If there is a change, then what was previously thought to be true, will be shifted to be less true, or turn out to be wrong. For those who accept the truth of the philosophy of Aristotle, Ibn Ruysd, menaganggap remain true forever, as long as there is no other thought that "affect" his mindside later.Pragmatism is a theory of truth which first developed in America, which was developed by William James (1842-1910), a distinguished professor at Harvard. This theory has evolved since 1970, with the core teachings, that the belief it would be true if any element of order. The size of the truth is, apakahh belief can lead people on purpose. Pragmatism rejects the view of the truth of the rationalist and idealist, because their views are not useful in practical life. William did not reject diversity as an experience, not as truth.Of course Islam is not like that judge a truth. Islamic teachings affirm the truth only comes from God (Qur'an 18:29), or not useful in practical life, if it is from God, faith requires a Muslim that it is the truth. More emphasized, not to deceive the progress of truth. Similarly, Islam explains about his time in determining the truth. This is important as the authors put forward a better understanding of the basic foundation of religion (Islam). And how a Muslim should behave, say and berfikiran appropriate guidance and teachings of his religion.
II. More Understanding of IslamAs Muslims, ideally we are required to be Muslims who kaffah. (Qur'an 02:208), and authentic (Qur'an 19:36). Required to be zealous about Islam or thorough, in terms of thinking, saying and doing. While Muslims claim to be authentic, that is not contaminated with other teachings. Two demands are limited concerning faith, worship, Shari'a, and morality. The question then is, whether it makes two demands of Muslims rigid, inflexible? This is the main point of this paper the author explores.To be objective, of course, we are not going to answer the above questions in apologetics. However, theoretically we examined through the lens of the historical period of the early teachings of Islam by the Prophet who acted as the bearer of the message and the early generations in his future. Next, we look at the comparison with the teachings of the latter implicated as a "modern doctrine" in the global scope. It is also likely to in fact be thought of Muslims understand their religion, to selanjtnya developed as an ideal standard of religious education.Idealitanya, Islam is a religion that is very broad, deep, and integrated. Coverage is not just struggling around the teachings of fiqh (law). In the main teaching source (Al-Qur'an and as-Sunnah), Islam also spoke on all aspects of human life, both in the capacity as indifidu, as well as community groups. Understanding of teaching and hablun hablun minallah minannas, none other than the one-unit complex of Islamic teachings.Because it is guidance and teaching, Islam is also essentially "something" that people sought. He comes from Essence who created man, life and everything permasalahnnya, which of course will better understand human existence, than the man himself. Islam is a universal belief that designed a simple, easy and logical to be understood, as well as applicable. Furthermore, the author deliberately put forward the following real examples of Islamic teachings that directly exemplified by the Prophet King. The author will not include the many Qur'anic texts or traditions that actually seemed apologetic.
III. Equation Position In IslamIn many books wal khulafaurrasyidin Nabawiyyah sirah, many of us have encountered the teachings about human equality. One example, what happened in 636 AD, when Umar bin Khattab traveled to the city Qudsi to accept delivery of power from the Roman emperor to rule Daulah Islamiyah. According to history, the city Qudsi previously under the authority of the Roman-Christian, after the transition rule of the Children of Israel, for not less seven centuries.During the trip, the Caliph only bring seokor camel riding by turns: a time of Caliph Umar who rode a camel, while the guards walking underneath. At other times the opposite: the bodyguard of the Caliph caliph riding a camel and on foot. And so on, until arriving at their destination.Upon entering the city Qudsi was predominantly Christian, the Caliph Umar gets their turn walking, while riding a camel is a bodyguard. Seeing the incident, residents Qudsi previously known figure of Umar bin Khattab as caliph was both surprised and amazed. They are shocked, how could a walk caliph riding a camel while his bodyguard instead.Yes, a rare sight, and strange to them, even perhaps for anyone who is not familiar with the teachings of Islam. Religious rights are equated between leader and followers, between the rich and the poor, men and women, and certainly between the government and its people. Human values, as implied in the Quran, only depending on the quality ketaqwaannya only. No other.Regardless of the validity of the story above, the content of the story is also ditauladani Prophet Muhammad as a carrier of the message of Islam. Prophet never distinguish his people according to the classification of the common assessment standards community became Quraish at that time; in which the Apostle was born and grow. He even opposed the ordinance tendency socialize Arab society at that time, namely the standardization of human judgments and views of materialist factors genitas.Since the beginning of the Apostle was always giving paragon abolition fanaticism values ​​of groups and parties. Therefore there is no difference between one another in bermuamalah, whether social, economic, political, legal as well. In the application of the law, the principle of equality and justice truly apply to him. In fact, even his daughter Fatimah, if caught stealing, the punishment is the same as the others: cutting off of hands, without consideration of the daughter of the Apostle.In the social aspect, very viscous equation models, and even tends to look "extreme" acted the Prophet. We will never hear the word 'disciple of the Prophet', let alone the helper of the Prophet. There was only the term 'Companions of the Prophet'. We certainly believe, that only the Apostles was the only man of his day who received direct instructions from God in the form of revelation. While the addition of the Prophet is, in today's terms, his followers or disciples.Prophets who taught them all what Allah revealed. So the prophet is a teacher, and other course students. But, with his humility, he never show himself to be called as a teacher. Everyone who knows and lives his day is nothing but a sahabtnya. There again, my friend Abu Huraira famous among ualama tradition as thousands of hadith narrators, not another, according to our tradition-Khaddam (helper) of the Prophet.That's one of the core teachings of Islam in terms of equality among humans. There's nothing to meresa higher or lower than others because of power, wealth or ancestry. Differences between people in the sight of Allah is only assessed from ketaqwaannya. Who can judge a person's quality of piety? There were none but Allah. No other faith is a private matter between the Lord God.With a foundation of understanding the above, is a person who does not know the teachings of Islam is a nobody who judge others less of it, or conversely, more noble. There's no reason that justifies-the teachings of Islam-degrading or glorifying someone else, beyond decency and ethics of civility manners of society as it should.Moreover, if a majority of city dwellers Qudsi non-Muslims feel weird while watching the arrival of the Caliph Umar ibn Khattab with guards by alternating riding a camel, so this time with a Muslim majority population, whether the people of Indonesia will also see any discrepancies or oddities when looking at the president of Indonesia is menyupir car who boarded by the bodyguards or aides? Could it be?!One more, if the Prophet who is believed to be great teachers for his companions, then do not consider them as disciples, but rather companions only; how we who work as teachers, religious teachers or lecturers should feel taller in front of our students?; We consider su'ul students pringainya adab when little or no respect for us as their teachers? This is the heart of a true education in Islam we understand it together.
IV. Religious Education to reviewHumans are creatures who can educate and be educated (homo educabille), while other creatures are not. In this dimension, human beings have the potential to become the object and the subject of self-development. Education as a vehicle for self-development should be based on the potential of human beings, because human potential is not likely to thrive in the absence of external stimuli, in the form of education. In reality, human beings are capable of thinking, in politics, has freedom of choice, self-conscious, has the norm, carpenters asked, he said a culture. A reality that is not owned by other than human beings.At this point, the authors see the necessity of pararelitas between zealous about Islam must be a figure with the potential of the man himself. Are not Muslims are human too?! Therefore, the demands of potential development as a human being, a necessity that can not be negotiable. In the golden age of historical Islam, integration becomes zealous about Islam and increase human potential is an example of conscious not only by Muslims, but also by scientists are recognized non-Muslims. Without the integration question, the ideals of the Islamic golden age repeat; be khairulummah (best people) is no more just a figment.
V. Mempertanyaan dichotomy SciencesThings should be straightened out first in an effort pararelitas, the effort to ward off what is developing in the middle of the Muslims in understanding the science pngetahuan; science dichotomy. The author concludes, religion is a unity that includes ethics, culture, trends, and attitude that comes from guidence-idealist, an ideal guide to apply in life today. Understanding of religion and religiosity are not narrowed to a mere ritual behavior, but it certainly covers all aspects of life. Covering an area of ​​any person's life, with obedience, then the area of ​​the same religion can diejahwantahkannya.No other religion spirituality into the early foundation of a religious building of a servant. Because only the foundation-without mengkerdilkan urgensitas ubudiyah-implementation practice rituals of worship can still be viewed as a servant in a religious observance intact. A building will seem clearer over the completeness of the style of the building. Ethics, trends and attitudes is a "complement" religious person. Whatever his religion.With the above understanding, the authors then questioned the separation of science developed in the community: there is a science of religion, science is also a general (non-religious). A growing understanding of religious knowledge is knowledge that is directly related to religious spirituality. While that is not directly berhuungan, say the general sciences. Physics, matemtika, biology, economics, chemistry, architecture, medicine and the like are examples of non-religious sciences. Really? Let us build an assumption with some examples of the following cases.As with the issue in general, understanding of diversity as it had become the object of debate between the pros and cons. Yet so, as far as the writer's observation, the source can be mapped disputes arising from different points of view the meaning of religion, as well as the immediate effects in everyday life.There are good writers put forward a question that could be an example that all science can be theologians. There is the question: "What relation between automotive science with religion?" At first glance, it seems the innocence of this question. But did not rule it bodes disapproval questioner at understanding the writer on religion, including the perception of equating all the sciences.In response, the author then presents a new experience that happened some time ago, so still very fresh in the memory. Once when the writer went to a campus where teaching. Suddenly, in the middle of the trip, car writers strike. According to schedule, a few moments the author should keep an eye on the Middle Semester Exam (UTS).Authors assume, the students might not want to know the reason for the delay writer into the exam room. However, fortunately there is a clever fellow automotive, could soon come and help fix the car broke down earlier. So, selamatlah author of presumption as inconsistent time lecturer.Is not religion (Islam) told his people into a figure who could be trusted, trustworthy, and so on. With the ability to automotive, concerns are assumed to be a figure that does not mandate can be ignored. Is not, "ma la yatimmu illa al-compulsory bihi fahuwa mandatory"? Automotive capabilities are intermediaries succeed as a highly religious obligations.If anyone asks: where lies the obligation as a religious figure dlam these examples? Personality trustful, trustworthy is one of several kawajiban a Muslim. That is, personality may tidk Muslim hypocrites. Simply put, are hypocrites is haraam; being trustworthy is mandatory.Still in the capacity as an intermediary, eksaks sciences is also important to be categorized as a science of religion. Imagine, how can we execute the command of God to think about how the creation of the heavens and the earth, if not mnggunakan sciences of astronomy and physics?; How a Muslim might also want to reflect on the process of creation of living things, to further strengthen his faith, not by biology kalauu? It is impossible not it!In this realm the author wanted to make sure that all of science into the category of religious knowledge, as long as the mediation of an intermediary dufungsikan getting to know his power. In contrast, the science that will weigh religious saklek bland if you can not take the owner to getting closer to Him.


a Paper

1.1. Background Citizenship is part of the concept of citizenship (English: citizenship). In this sense, citizens of a city or county referred to as citizens of the city or county residents, because they are also a political unit. In regional autonomy, citizenship is important, because each political unit will provide the right (usually social) different for its citizens. Citizenship has similarities with the nationality (English: nationality). The difference is that the rights to be active in politics. It is possible to have a nationality without being a citizen (for example, is legally subject to a state and entitled to protection without having rights to participate in politics). It is also possible to have political rights without being a member nation of a country. Under the social contract theory, citizenship status has implications for the rights and obligations. In the philosophy of "active citizenship", a citizen is required to contribute to the improvement of community capacity through economic participation, public service, volunteer work, and other similar activities to improve the livelihoods of its people. From this premise appears Citizenship subjects (English: civics) are given in schools.
In this paper will discuss all matters relating to nationality, and country. In referring to this paper so that readers can add information and knowledge.
1.2. Problem formulation 1. Is the nature of that State? 2. Is Nature's Citizenship? 3. What is the relationship between the State and citizenship?
2.1 Countries 2.1.1 Definition of State In literal terms the State is a translation of foreign words, the state (English), Staat (Dutch and German) and etat (French), the word state, staat, etat was taken from the Latin word status or statum, which means the state is upright and fixed or something that has properties and remain upright. In terminology, the State is defined by the organization's highest among a group of people with aspirations to unite, live in certain areas and have a sovereign government. This understanding contains a value constitutive of a State which necessitates the existence of an element within a State, namely the existence of society (the people), a region (area) and the existence of a sovereign government. According to Roger H. Soltao, the State is defined by means of (agency) or a public authority. According Haroid. J. Laski country marupakan an integrated society because it has coercive powers lawfully and more glorious than individuals or groups who are part of that society. Max Weber defines that the State is a society which has a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force within a region based on the legal system held by a government that for such purpose shall be vested memaksan.
2.1.2 Objectives of State The purpose of a State may vary, among others: a. Extending the power b. Conducting legal order c. Achieve welfare law. According to Plato tutjuan State is to advance human decency, as an individual (individuals) and as social beings. Meanwhile, according to Roger H. Soltau State goal is to enable people to develop and organize its copyright power as freely as possible (the freest possible development and creative self-expression of its members). In the doctrine and the concept of a theocracy (which is represented by Thomas and Augustine, the State goal is to achieve a living and safe and peaceful life in obedience to and under the command of God. In Islam, as proposed by Ibn Arabi, the purpose of the State is that people can run their lives well, away from disputes and maintain the intervention of foreign parties. In the context of Indonesia State, the State goal is to promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation and carrying out part of a world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice. 2.1.3 Elements of the State Globally a State requires three (3) basic elements, namely the people (community / citizen), regions and governments. 1. People's (community / citizen) These people are very important elements in a State, because the concrete is the people who have an interest that the State was able to run well. 2. Island region: 20,356,000 Basically the area within a State usually include ± 8 million land (land area), ± 18.5 million km2 (an area of ​​sea / water) and air (airspace) 3. Government Fittings State Government is leading the organization in charge of the State to achieve the objectives of State by reason. Governments are often the personification of a country.
2.1.4 Some Theories About The establishment of the State 1. Social contract theory (social contract) This theory assumes that the State established under the treaties. Some experts adherents of the social contract theory that explain the theory of the origins of the State, including: a. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) According to the terms established by the State is entered into agreements with individuals who had been in a state of nature promised to give up any natural rights owned to a person or an entity. Engineering agreements are made public as follows Hobbes every individual to another individual said that "I give power and surrender the right to rule to this person or to people who are in this council on condition that I give him the right of all actions and give legitimacy in a certain way. b. John Locke (1632-1704) Contractual basis and the State argued Locke as a warning that the ruling power is never absolute but always limited, because the agreement entered into with a person or group of people, individuals do not hand over all their natural rights. c. Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Diumapamakannya natural state as a state of nature, to live free and equal individuals, everything is produced solely by depressed individuals and individuals were satisfied. According to the "State" or "body korporatif" was formed to express "general willingness" (general will) and is aimed at besama happiness. In addition the State also consider the interests of the individual (particular interest). Sovereignty is in the hands of the people through general willingness.
2. Theory of Belief State established by God and State leaders appointed by the Lord the King and State leaders are only responsible to God and not to anyone. 3. Teoir strength The first state is the result of the strong dominance of communication to vulnerable groups, the State formed by conquest and occupation. With the conquest and occupation of a stronger ethnic group over the weaker ethnic groups, began the process of state formation. 4. Theory of Organic Countries considered or equated with living creatures, human or animal individuals that are components of the State is considered as the cells of living things. Corporal life of the State can be equated as human bones, the legislation as nerves, the king (emperor) as the head and the individual as the creature's flesh.

5. Historical Theory This theory states that the institution-social lambaga not made, but grow in the evolutionary line with human needs.
2.1.5 Forms of State State in the form of modern concepts and theories currently divided into two forms of the State, namely the unity of the State (unitarisme) and the State union (federation) 1. Unitary state Unitary state is a form of a free and sovereign State. With a government that governs the entire region. This unitary state divided into two kinds, namely: a. Unitary state with a centralized system of state affairs directly regulated by central government b. Unitary state with a decentralized system that is as the regional head of local government.
2. State of the union The original power in the State of the federation is a state duty, because he relates to his people, semetara State in charge of running the federation's foreign relations. National Defence. Financial and postal affairs. Besides the two forms of State. State forms into three groups: a. Monarchy Monarchy is a form of government only State-controlled and governed (the right to govern) by one person. b. Oligarchy These oligarchs are usually ordered from a group of people who come from the feudal. c. Democracy People have full powers to run the government.
2.2 Citizenship 2.2.1 Definition of Citizenship The definition of citizen. Citizens are the people who settled in the region and certain people in conjunction with the State. In the relationship between citizen and state, citizens have obligations towards the State and vice versa citizens also have rights that must be provided and protected by the State. While citizenship is part of the concept of citizenship (English: citizenship). In this sense, citizens of a city or county referred to as citizens of the city or county residents, because they are also a political unit. In regional autonomy, citizenship is important, because each political unit will provide the right (usually social) different for its citizens. Citizenship has similarities with the nationality (English: nationality). The difference is that the rights to be active in politics. It is possible to have a nationality without being a citizen (for example, is legally subject to a state and entitled to protection without having rights to participate in politics). It is also possible to have political rights without being a member nation of a country. Under the social contract theory, citizenship status has implications for the rights and obligations. In the philosophy of "active citizenship", a citizen is required to contribute to the improvement of community capacity through economic participation, public service, volunteer work, and other similar activities to improve the livelihoods of its people. From this premise appears Citizenship subjects (English: civics) are given in schools. In international relations in every area of ​​the State there are always citizens and foreigners who all called the population. Every citizen is a resident of a Contracting State, while not necessarily every resident citizen, as it may be a stranger. While a stranger just to have a relationship while he was residing in the territory of that State. 2.2.2 Background Citizenship Education Citizenship is a person's membership in certain political units (in particular: the state) which brings with it the right to participate in political activities. Someone with a membership that is called citizen. A citizen has the right to have a passport from a country that dianggotainya.
His background is the holding of citizenship is: 1. That the spirit of national struggle which is the spiritual mental power has spawned tremendous force in the physical struggle, while in the face of globalization we need to fill in the independence struggle in accordance with the field of physical nono masing2 profession. This struggle is based on the value2 struggle so that we still have the insight and awareness as a state, attitudes and behaviors that love the country and promoting unity and integrity of the nation in order to remain intact for the sake of defending the country and upholding Homeland. consisting of: 1. Law No. 2 of 1989 (the national education system) 2. Important journey of Indonesian history: • The era before and during colonization • The era of struggle and maintain independence • The era of independence charging
3. The spirit of national struggle 4. Globalization, marked ... • The strong influence of international development community institutions • The rapid development of science and technology In the face of globalization & looking to the future to fill the non-independence we need to struggle physically fit their respective professional fields.
2. Education in Indonesia is expected to prepare students to be citizens who have a strong and consistent commitment to maintain the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia. Nature of the unitary Republic of Indonesia is a modern nation-state. Modern nation-state is a state that its formation is based on the spirit of nationality or nationalism is on the determination of a community to build a future together under the same country, although the citizens of different religions, race, ethnicity, or group. Minutes of Session Investigation Agency Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI) and the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI), Melbourne: Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, 1998]. Strong and consistent commitment to the principles and spirit of nationalism in the life of society, nation and the state based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945, needs to be improved continuously to provide a thorough understanding of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Historically, the Indonesian state has been created as a unitary state with a Republican. Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia is a sovereign country with people based on Belief in God Almighty, just and civilized humanity, the unity of Indonesia and democracy led by wisdom of deliberation / representation, and the realization of social justice for all Indonesian people. [Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945]. In development since the Proclamation of August 17, 1945 until the end of the 20th century, the people of Indonesia has experienced a variety of events that threaten the integrity of the state. It required a deep understanding and strong and consistent commitment to the principles and spirit of nationalism in the life of society, nation and the state based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945. The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia needs to be invested to all components of the Indonesian people, especially the younger generation as the next generation. Indonesia should avoid authoritarian system of government which memasung rights of citizens to run for democratic principles in the life of society, nation and the state. Democratic life in the everyday life in a family environment, society, government, and organizations of non-government needs to be known, understood, internalized, and applied for the realization of the implementation of democratic principles. In addition, the need to defend the country also invested awareness, respect for human rights, pluralistic nation, environmental protection, social responsibility, obedience to the law, obedience to pay taxes, as well as the attitudes and behavior of anti-corruption, collusion, and nepotism. Subjects Citizenship Education is a subject that focuses on the formation of citizens who understand and are able to exercise the rights and obligations to be a citizen of Indonesia who are intelligent, skilled, and character that are mandated by the Pancasila and 1945 Constitution. Rationale for Citizenship Education: 1. That national education is rooted in the culture of the Indonesian nation is directed to increase the intelligence and dignity of the nation, people and people of Indonesia to realize that faith and piety to God Almighty, quality self-contained so it can establish itself and the surrounding communities and can meet the needs of national development & responsible for nation building. 2. Political soul, loving homeland, national spirit, social solidarity, the nation's history pd awareness, and respect for the heroes of services among the students want to be nurtured through civic education. 2.2.3 Objectives of Citizenship Education The main purpose of civic education. Citizenship Education aims subjects so that learners have the following capabilities. 1. Think critically, rationally, and creatively in response to the issue of citizenship 2. Participate actively and responsibly, and act intelligently in the activities of society, the nation and state, as well as anti-corruption 3. Developing positively and democratically to shape itself based on the characters of Indonesian society in order to live together with other nations 4. Interacting with other nations in the world arena is directly or indirectly by utilizing information and communication technology.
2.2.4 Basic Concepts About Citizen Citizens are interpreted by people as part of a population that become elements of the state and contain the meaning of the participants, members or citizens of a country, the participants of a perssekutuan established with joint strength. The term citizen formerly commonly called slaves or subjects of countries in the English language (object) means the person who owns and devoted to their owners. Hikam U.S. citizens define that which is the translation of citizenship is a member of a community that shapes the country itself. Koerniatmanto S, defines citizens with member states. As a member state, a citizen has a special position to negaranya.Ia have the right relationships and mutual obligations of the country. In the Indonesian context, the term citizen (according to the 1945 Constitution, article 26) referred to the original Indonesian nation and other nations that ratified the law as citizens negara.Dalam article 1 of Law no. 22/1958 that citizens of the Republic of Indonesia are the people who under the laws and / or treaties and / or regulations which took effect on August 17, 1945 Proclamation had become Indonesian citizens.
2.2.5 Principle of Citizenship The principle of a person's citizenship is determined under the provisions agreed to in the country. In applying the principle of citizenship are two guidelines, namely: 1. The principle of citizenship by birth found two forms of the principle, ius soli and ius sanguinis. In Latin ius legal means, excuse or guidelines, soli derived from the berartinegeri solum, soil or area and the mean blood sanguinis. Thus, ius soli citizenship is based on the guidelines means a place or region of birth, while the ius sanguinis citizenship guideline is based on blood or descent. 2. The principle of citizenship based on marriage which can be seen from the side of marriage that includes the principle of unity of law and the principle of equality derajat.Asas legal entity based on the paradigm that the husband and wife or family ties is at the core of society necessitates the atmosphere of prosperous, healthy and not split in a union that round , so the need for common understanding and commitment to run together on the same legal basis and necessitates the same nationality. While the principle of equality is determined that a marriage does not cause changes masingpihak their citizenship status. They still have their own citizenship status as well as when they are not tied to a husband and wife. This principle can avoid the occurrence of smuggling law so many countries that use the principle of equality in citizenship regulations.
2.2.6 Elements That Define Citizenship 1. Elements of Blood Descendants (ius Sanguinists) Citizenship from parents who lowered determine a person's citizenship, this principle applies them in England, America, France, Japan, and Indonesia. 2. Place of Birth Region element (ius Soli) The area where a person is born determines citizenship, this principle applies in the United States, Britain, France, and Indonesia, except in Japan. 3. Elements of naturalization (Naturalization) Terms or naturalization procedures tailored to the needs presented by the condition and situation of each country. In this there is an active naturalization there is also an active pasif.Dalam naturalization, a person Dapa exercises its option to choose or propose will be a citizen of a country. While in passive naturalization, a person who does not want to be citizens of a country, then the concerned may use repuidasi rights namely the right to refuse the granting of citizenship.
A person's citizenship status talks in a country known for its apatride there for people who do not have citizenship status, bipatride for people who have dual citizenship status / dwikewarganegaraan, and multipatride to mention the citizenship status of a person who has two or more citizenship status.
2.3 Citizens Rights and Obligations In the context of Indonesia, the right of the citizen against the state have been regulated in the Constitution of 1945 and various other regulations which is a derivation of the general rights outlined in the 1945 Constitution. including the formulation of human rights contained in Article 28 full spin-second Constitution. While the example of the inherent obligation of every citizen including the obligation to pay taxes as the main contract between state and citizens, to defend the homeland (Article 27), defending national defense and security (article 29), respecting the rights of others and abide by the restrictions set forth in regulations (article 28 J), and so on. The main principle in determining the rights and obligations of citizens is the involvement of citizens, directly or saetiap representatives in the formulation and obligations so that citizens are aware and assume the rights and obligations as part of the deal they made themselves.
3.1 Conclusion State is defined by the highest organization among a group of people with aspirations to unite, live in certain areas and have a sovereign government. This understanding contains a value constitutive of a State which necessitates the existence of an element within a State, namely the existence of society (the people), a region (area) and the existence of a sovereign government. Citizenship is part of the concept of citizenship (English: citizenship). In this sense, citizens of a city or county referred to as citizens of the city or county residents, because they are also a political unit. In regional autonomy, citizenship is important, because each political unit will provide the right (usually social) different for its citizens. In the context of Indonesia, the right of the citizen against the state have been regulated in the Constitution of 1945 and various other regulations which is a derivation of the general rights outlined in the 1945 Constitution. including the formulation of human rights contained in Article 28 full spin-second Constitution. While the example of the inherent obligation of every citizen including the obligation to pay taxes as the main contract between state and citizens, to defend the homeland (Article 27), defending national defense and security (article 29), respecting the rights of others and abide by the restrictions set forth in regulations (article 28 J), and so on.

Thesis title collections, English Education Program

1.               Increasing the Students Reading Comprehension Achievement through Questioning Technique
2.               The Influence of Student Vocabulary mastery toward Writing narrative Text Ability
3.               The influence of Listening English Song toward Students' Listening Skill
4.               The Analysis of Using Lexical Cohesion on the Abstract of Undergraduate Thesis
5.               Developing the Students Ability in Writing Recount Text Through Guiding Questions Technique
6.               An Analysis of Semiotics on the Students' Making Speech Acts
7.               Increasing Students' Vocabulary mastery through Jigsaw Type of Cooperative Learning
8.               Empowering the Students'  Simple Past Tense Mastery on Analyzing Text by Using Tree Diagram
9.               Using Suggestopedia Method in Learning for the Fifth Class Students
10.           Increasing the Students listening Ability through the Effectiveness of Using Tape Recorder and Live Speaker
11.           A Study on the Interference of native Language Vowels Pronunciation towards the Pronunciation of English Vowels
12.           An Analysis on the Students' Reading Ability in Getting Conclusion from Argumentative Paragraph
13.           The Influence of Using Direct method toward English Learning Achievement
14.           The Influence of Different Phonology between Indonesian and English toward Speaking Competence
15.           An Analysis of Students' Mastery in Analyzing Clauses and Phrases in A text o
16.           The Correlation Between The Mastery Of Sentence Patterns and the Achievement on the Reading Comprehension
17.           The correlation between Students' Learning Style and Their English Proficiency
18.           The Influence of Using Suggestopedia Method toward the Students Vocabulary
19.           The Students' Ability In Using Contextual Guessing Technique In Reading Comprehension
20.           The Implementing of Drama Techniques to Increase Students' Speaking Ability
21.           The Influence of Total Physical response (TPR) in English for Children toward the Motivation Metro
22.           The Influence of Audio Lingual Method and Communicative Language Teaching Method through Students' Speaking Ability
23.           The Correlation between Semantics Understanding and Reading Comprehension
24.           The Correlation between Environment and Reading Habit
25.           Implementing the Suggestopedia Method to Increase Students' English Learning
26.           The Effectiveness of Picture Story and Word search Puzzle Game toward Vocabulary Mastery
27.           The Students' Ability in Identifying Independent and Dependent  Clause in English Paragraph
28.           Implementing Brain's Patterning Strategies to Increase Reading Comprehension
29.           The Implementation of Concept Mapping to Increase the Students' Writing recount text Ability
30.           The Influence of Using Quantum Learning Method in Increasing the Students performance in Reading Comprehension
31.           An Analysis on the Students' Ability in Mastering and Using Plural
32.           The Differences between Suggestopedia Method and Silent Way to Increase the Students' Vocabulary Mastery
33.           The Influence of Poetry toward the Students' Grammar
34.           The Strength and Weakness of Discussion method toward the Students' Speaking Ability
35.           The Implementation of Learning Method to Improve Students' English Skill in
36.           Increasing Students' English Achievement through Making Wall Magazine Activity
37.           The Influence of Using Songs Method on Students Listening Ability
38.           The Analysis of Study process Conversation toward Speaking and Writing Ability
39.           Increasing the Students' Speaking Competence through the Implementation of Communicative language Teaching method
40.           The Correlation between Students' Reading Context Comprehension and Their Reading Comprehension
41.           Increasing Students' Paragraph Writing Performance through Scaffolding Strategy
42.           Syntactical Interference in Indonesian-English Translation
43.           Improving Students' Speaking Ability through Jigsaw Technique at the First Year of SMK N Seputih Surabaya Central Lampung in Academic Year 2011/2012
44.           Increasing the Students' Mastery in Using Relative Pronoun in Adjective Clause through Grammar Translation Method at the Fifth Semester of English Department of State Islamic College of Jurai Siwo Metro (Classroom Action Research)
45.           Increasing the Students' Passive Voice Mastery through the Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) at the Ninth Grade of State Junior High School 3 Sekampung
46.           The Comparison of Using Skimming and SQ4R Technique Toward Reading Comprehension at the Second Semester of the Tenth Grade at Senior High School Muhammadiyah 1 Purbolinggo in Academic year of 2011/2012
47.           Implementation of Small Group Discussion to Increase English Learning Achievement at  the Eighth Graders of SMPN 3 Batang Hari
48.           Error Analysis in Writing Performance among the Fourth Semester of English Department
49.           Efforts to Improve Speaking Skill through Know What to Know Learning (KWL) Teaching Technique Among the Class IX Students of SMPN 4 Metro Lampung 
50.           The Correlation between English Vocabulary Mastery toward Classroom Writing performance in SMAN 1 Belitang II in  Academic Year 2011/2012 [ganti variable Vocabulary]
51.           The Analysis on Translation of Indonesian History Found in Senior High School Textbook
52.           Increasing the Students' Grammar Ability through Board game techniques at  the Seventh Grade of Senior  High school 3 Batang hari in the Academic Year of 2011/2012
53.           Using the Communication Approach to Improve Writing Ability of the Fifth Graders of SD N 5 metro in academic Year of 2011/2012
54.           Implementation of Education Game base on Computer to Increase the Students' Learning 1Achievement at the Third Grade of SDN 2 Yukum Jaya in the Academic Year of 2011/2012
55.           Analysis of Students' Reading Purpose among the Third Semester Students of English Education Study program of STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro in the Academic Year of 2011/2012
56.           The Influence of Punctuation Mastery toward Writing Ability in the Seventh Grade SMP N 1 Sukadana in Academic Year 2010/2011
57.           Increasing the Students' Speaking performance through Jigsaw technique at the Second Year of SMA PGRI 1 Punggur
58.           An Error Analysis on the Use of Simple Present tense in Writing Descriptive Text at the Tenth Year Atudents of SMK N 1 Rawajitu Selatan in the Academic Year 2011/2012
59.           The Influences of Affixes Mastery toward the Students' Writing Ability of the Fifth semester Students of English Department of State Islamic College in the Academic Year 2011/2012
60.           The Influence of Intensive Conversation toward Speaking Ability at the Eleventh Grade of Senior High School of Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in the Academic Year 2011/2012
61.           The Influence of Applying Interactive Reading technique towards Reading Comprehension at the Eight Grade of MTs Ma'arif 11 Seputih Banyak
62.           The Use of Puppets for English Young Learners of Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Muslimat NU Seputih banyak
63.           The Influence of Using Audio Visual Media toward Students Pronunciation Word in Elementary School
64.           The Influence of Using Descriptive Text Toward Students' Simple Tense Mastery among the Students of SMP Pancasila Sidokerto Bumiratu Nuban lampung Tengah
65.           An Error Analysis on the Use of Simple Past Tense in Writing Narrative Text at the Eleventh Grade of Senior High School 1 Mesuji Timur in the Academic Year of 2011/2012
66.           The Influence of Using Thnk-Pair Share toward Speaking performance among the tenth Graders of SMK Budi Utomo 1 Way Jepara
67.           An Analysis of English Learning Management for Senior High School 2 Metro in Academic Year of 2011/2012
68.           The Influence of Using Quantum Learning Method toward English Learning Achievement at the Eleventh Grade of Senior High School 1 Sekampung
69.           The Correlation between text Analyzing Performance, Syntax Understanding and Reading Comprehension among the Fifth Semester Students of English Education Program of State Islamic College of Jurai Siwo Metro in Academic Year of 2011/2012
70.           The Influence Creative Play toward Child for the Developing Studying English Ability in the Kindergarten in Tuma'nina Yasin in Academic Years 2011/2012
71.           The Correlation between the Students' Personal Experiences Strategy and Their 1Narrative Paragraph Writing Ability among the Eleventh Graders of SMAN 2 Tumijajar in the Academic Year of 2011/2012
72.           The use of Skimming to Increase Reading Comprehension at the Tenth Grade of MAN I Metro in Academic Year of 2011/2012
73.           The Influence of Mind Mapping Method toward the Students' Narrative Paragraph Writing Ability at the Tenth Grade Accounting of Vocational High School PGRI 1 Transpram II Labuhan Ratu in the Academic Year 2011/2012
74.           The Influence of Picture Media toward Students' Writing Ability among the Tenth Class Students of SMAN 1 Pagar Dewa Tulang Bawang in the Academic Year 2011/2012
75.           The Implementation of Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) to Increase the Students' Grammar Mastery among the tenth Graders of SMAN 2 Metro in the Academic year of 2011/2012
76.           The Analysis of the Students' Difficulties in Reading English Skill Mastery at Eight Grader
77.           Increasing the Students Conversation Skill through Small Group at the Sixth Grade of SDN 2 Depok Rejo in the Academic Year 0f 2011/2012
78.           The Implementatiom of Learning Game Methid “”Crossword Puzzle Type” to Increase the Activity and English Study Result at the Seventh Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kalirejo in Academic Year of 2011/2012
79.           The Influence of Pre-questing on the Reading Comprehension Achievement among Class IX students of the SMPN 1 Terbanggi Besar in the Academic Year of 2011/2012
80.           The Influence of Dialogue technique towards Mastering Pronunciation and Speaking Performance at the Second Grade Students of SMP N 01 Seputih Raman Lampung Tengah in the Academic Year of 2011/2012
81.           An Analysis on the students' Difficulties in Identifying the Context of Reading Text at the Ninth Grade in Junior High school 01 Punggur in the Academic Year of 2011/20121
82.           The Use of Unconscious Blitz Reading to Increase Students' Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text at the Eleventh Grade of Senior High School 2 Metro
83.           The Relationship Between Learning Students' Motivation And Teachers' Teaching Style On Result Student Achievement At The Eleventh Grade Of Mts Al Ikhlas Way Jepara at the Academic Year 2010/2011
84.           The Influence of Using the Total Physical response Method toward Students' Vocabulary Mastery at the Fifth Graders of Elementary School 5 Way Jeparain the Academic Year of 2011/2012 (silakan ganti variable Vocabulary]
85.           The Correlation between the Idiomatic Translation Method  Performance and Translation Ability among the Fourth Semester Students of STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro in the Academic Year of 2011/2012
86.           Increasing Students Achievement in the Simple Present Tense though Practice Generalization reinforcement technique in Class VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in Academic Year 2011/2012
87.           The Implementation of Cooperative Learning to Increase the students' Speaking Ability at the Eighth Graders of Junior High School 3 Batanghari in Academic year of 2011/2012
88.           The Use of Descriptive Text to Increase Writing Ability at Senior High School 4 Metro in the Academic year 2011/2012
89.           An analysis of student’s pronunciation errors in speaking at the first semester
90.           The influence of comprehensive in learning of visual act media toward students’s English achievement in Junior High School
91.           The Influence of Visual Aids toward the Students’ Memorization of Noun
92.           The influence of using picture sequence toward student’s narrative paragraph ability at the eleven grade of SMA N 01 Purbolinggo
93.           Minimizing the Students’ Verb Error inn Making Descriptive Paragraph through Self Assesment
94.           Increasing The Students Comparative Degree Mastery Through Picture at The Tenth Class of MA Nurul Ulum Kotagajah Lampung Tengah in Academic Year of 2011/2012
95.           Increasing Word Spelling Achievement through Picture at the Fifth Year of State Elementary School kali Pasir Way Bungur Lampung Timur in Academic Year of 2011/2012
96.           The Effectiveness of Using Direct Method to Increase the Students Grammatical Mastery at the First Grade of MTs Negeri 1 Raman Utara in the Academic Year of 2011/2012.
97.           Using Collaborative learning Method to IncreaseEnglish Study Result at the Tenth Graders of SMA N 1 Rumbia in the Academic Year 2011/2012
98.           Improving The Students’ Writing Descriptuve Text At The Seventh Year Of Senior High School 2 Metro in Academic Year of 2011/2012
99.           The influence of spelling bee game toward speaking and writing ability at the first class of elementary school six Metro pusat
100.       Using of clustering technique to improve the student’s descriptive text writing ability among Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 02 academic year 2011/2012
101.       The Influence Of Using Computer toward Students’ Translation Ability
102.       An Analysis on the Implisit Meaning of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban and The Translation
103.       The Influence of Using Audiolingual method to Introduce Pronunciation English for Young Learners at the fifth Grade of SD 1 Pujokerto in Academic Year of 2011/2012
104.       The Implementation of Silent Way Method toward the Students’ Ability in Grammatical  Mastery of Preposition of Place at the Seventh Grade of Junior High School 5 Metro
105.       The Influence of Using Guided Translation Method toward Students’ Grammar Mastery at the second Semester of the Eighth Class of SMP Muhammadiyah 02 Gisting Tanggamus
106.       Increasing Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement through Contextual Clues Training at the grFirst Semester of Second Year of SMAN 1 Seputih Agung in 2010/2011
107.       The Influence of Word Wall Technique toward Students’ Reading Comprehension at the First Grade of Junior High School for Islamic Studies (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) Miftahul Ulum in Academic Year of 2011/2012
108.       The Influence of Using class Picture on Verb Mastery for the Third Grade Students of Elementary School 2 Sukaraja Nuban in Academic Year of 2011/2012
109.       Student’s learning reading with portfolio assessment in student class 9 SMP Negeri 1 Sekampung, Lampung Timur, year 2010/2012
110.       The Analysis of Students’ Mother Tongue Interference toward their English Pronunciation
111.       The Influence of Mother Tongue toward Students’ Speaking Ability at All Grades of SMA Islam Ibnu Rusyd Kotabumi
112.       The Pattern-Practice Method to Improve Students’ Writing Ability on the Third Semester Students of English Department at STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro in Academic year of 2011/2012
113.       Teaching Causative by Using Inductive Way to the Eleventh Grade Students of Islamic Senior High School 1 Metro
114.       Improving the Students’ Ability in using Present Continous Tense Through Picture as the media
115.       The Use of Role Play Technique in Increasing Students’ Conversation Ability
116.       Teaching Tenses (Present Continous Tense) Trough Total Physical Response Method of the First Class of Junior High School Roudlotul Falah Sukadana in Academic Year 2011/2012
117.       The Relationship between Morphology Performance and Writing  performance in English Study Program Of Stain Jurai Siwo metro
118.       Increasing the Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Song and Game at the Eighth Graders of Junior High School of SMPN 3 Batanghari in Academic Year of 2011/2012
119.       The Influence of Problem Solving Task toward Speaking Ability at the Third Semester Students of English Education Department of State iSlamic College of Jurai Siwo Metro in the Academic Year of 2011/2012
120.       Increasing the Students’ Present continous Tense Mastery through the use of Actional Functional Model at the Sixth Grade of State Elementary School
121.       Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Through Communicative Learning Teaching (CTL) at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 Raman Utara in Academic Year of 2011/2012
122.       Increasing the Students’ Achievement in Learning Present Continous Tense through Picture at the Eighth Class of SMN 1 Rumbia Lampung Tengah in AcademicYear of 2011/2012
123.       The Ifluence of Using Larson’ Model toward the Students’ Ability in Translating Textamong the FifthSemester Students
124.       Semantic analysis on the student’s ability in distinguishing ambiguity and anomaly sentence of English among the students of fifth semester of Islamic Collage Jurai Siwo Metro in academic year 2011/2012
125.       The influence of using direct method toward the pronunciation of English vowel for young learners at the fifth grade of Elementary School 1 Metro
126.       An Analysis of the Students’ Ability in Getting Conclusion From Argumentative Paragraphat the Seventh Grade of Junior High School 4 Terbanggi Besar in Academic Year of 2011/2012
127.       The Analysis of Error Grammatical Application in Translating Indonesia-English Text on English Educational Study Program Students of State Islamic College of Jurai Siwo Metro
128.       The Use of Maher Zain’s Song to Increase Students’s Simple Future Teense Mastery
129.       Increasing the student’s reading ability through the implementation of the natural approach at the fifth grade of elementary school 4 of Bandar Jaya in the academic year of 2011/2012
130.       The Analysis of Comprehension Skills of Students Learning English using the Application of Teaching Method (Total Physical Response and Silent Way) in TK PKK Tanggul Rejo
131.       Describing Picture to Increase Imagination in Writing Ability at the Students of Seventh Class of SMP N 3 Batanghari in Academic Year 2011/2012
132.       The Implementation of Repeition Drill toward Students’ Speaking Skill at the Second semester of Eight Class at SMP Negeri 1 Baradatu Way Kanan
133.       An Analysis of Teaching Reading Comprehension to the Tenth Grade Students of Islamic Senior High School 2 Metro in Academic Year of 2011/2012
134.       Increasing the student’s W-H question mastery through short story at fifth graders of elementary school 2 Cempaka Nuban in the academic year of 2011/2012
135.       Increasing student’s reading ability through small group word technique for the first year student of MAN 2 Metro
136.       The Correlation between Homophone Mastery toward Listening Performance at State Islamic College (STAIN) Metro
137.       The Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching Method to Increase Speaking Ability at the Second Grade of Junior High school 02 Kotagajah
138.       The influence of using tape recorder media on students toward speaking ability at the eleven grade of SMK 04 Darurrohmah in academic year of 2010/2011
139.       The Influence of Using Songs Method on Students toward Writing Ability at the Eight Grade of SMPN 1 Gunung Agung in Academic Year of 2010/2011
140.       The influence of the grammar comprehension skill to the mastering English in the eleventh grade students of state SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Metro
141.       An Analysis on the Students’ Reading Ability in Finding Main Idea from a Text at the Ninth Grade of Junior High School 1 Simpang Pematang in Academic Year of 2011/2012
142.       The using of the case study method to improve speaking ability at the tenth grade of senior high school of Kartikatama Metro in the academic year of 2011/2012
143.       Increasing the Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text Using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) at the Second Grade of State Junior High School 6 Metro in Academic Year 2011/2012
144.       The Influence of Scanning Technique in understanding Genre Recount of the Eleventh Class Students at Senior High School Kotagajah in Academic Year of 2011/2012
145.       Increasing the Students’ Reading Comprehension mastery of Narrative Text through Contextual Teaching and Learning at the Eleventh Grade of Senior High School Metro in Academic Year of 2011/2012
146.       The Influence of Using Skimming Strategy to Increase Reading Comprehension among the Eleventh Grade Students of Senior High School Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan in Academic Year 2011/2012
147.       The Correlation between Reading Habit and reeading Comprehension in the Tenth grade of Senior High School 1 Trimurejo in Academic Year of 2011/2012
148.       The Correlation between Students’ Simple Present Mastery and their descriptive Text in Class VIII of State Junior High school 2 Bangun Rejo Lampung Tengah in Academic Year of 2011/2012
149.       The Error Analysis of Sentence Structure on the Text Procedure at the Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Kibang
150.       Strategy to Improve Students’ Ability in Speaking by Using KWL Technique (Know, What to Know) and Game in Six Grade of State Elemntary School 4 South Metro
151.       An Analysis of Implicature Understanding in Reading Comprehension at the Fifth Semester Students of English Education Program of State Islamic College of Jurai Siwo Metro in Academic Year 2011/2012

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