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 Green Algae
a Paper
CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONA. BackgroundReviewed in biology, algal chlorophyll a plant group that consists of one or many cells and form colonies. Dilam algae contained in organic materials such as polysaccharides, hormones, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. So far the use of algae as komoditiperdagangan or industrial raw materials is still relatively small when compared with the diversity of algal species that exist in Indonesia. Though the chemical components contained in the algae is very beneficial for the food industry raw materials, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and others.Green algae / Chlorohyta is one of the classes of algae based dyes or pigmentasinya. Green algae there are unicellular and others multicellular form of yarn, sheets or forming colonies of species of unicellular green algae that nothing can move, but some are settled.Green algae are the largest group of algae vegetation. Green algae is different from the other division because it has a clear green color as the plant level tnggi because they contain pigments chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b is more dominant than carotene and xantofit.Algae act as producers in the ecosystem. various types of algae that live freely in the water, especially his one-celled and can play an active role is a constituent of phytoplankton. most of the phytoplankton is a member of the green algae, the pigment chlorophyll which has so effectively perform photosynthesis of green algae is a major producer in aquatic ecosystems.
B. Problem formulationBased on the above background, the presentation of this paper is formulated into several important parts are:1. Habitat Green Algae2. Pigment3. Food Reserves4. Body Composition5. Cell structure6. Tool motion / flagellum7. Breeding8. Posotif And Negative Impact Chlorophyta In Life
C. PurposeBased on the above background, as well as the formulation of the problem above, in the presentation of this paper aims to determine:1. Habitat Green Algae2. Pigment3. Food Reserves4. Body Composition5. Cell structure6. Tool motion / flagellum7. Breeding8. Posotif And Negative Impact Chlorophyta In Life

A. Habitat Green AlgaeGreen algae are among the groups terbessar algae and most live in fresh water, some of which live in sea water and brackish water. Generally attached to rocks and often appear when the water will run. Type of living diair fresh, cosmopolitan nature, especially living in a light quite like ponds, lakes, puddles, green algae were also found in semi-aquatic environment is on the rocks, soil moisture and the moist bark of trees. Some members live in the water floats or float, some live as plankton. Some species that live there are attached to plants or animals.Some examples of green algae are often found dikolam include:a. Unicellular Chlorophyta did not moveExample:1. ChlorellaThe organism is commonly found as freshwater plankton. Microscopic body size, shape spherical, multiply by cell division.
Role for human life, among others, used in the investigation of metabolism in the laboratory. Also used as ingredients of medicines included in capsules and sold as a dietary supplement known as the "Sun Chlorella". Current development in the swimming-pool (for example in Pasuruan)2. ChlorococcumBody single-celled, fresh water habitat, oval shape, each cell has one chloroplast shape bowl. Reproduction by forming zoospores (asexually)
b. Unicellular Chlorophyta can moveExample: ChlamidomonasOvoid cell shape, having two flagella as a means of motion, there is a vacuola, one nucleus and kloropas. In kloropas bowl that looks like there is stigma (eye spots) and pirenoid as the formation of starch. asexual reproduction by forming zoospores and sexual reproduction by conjugation.
c. Chlorophyta shaped colonies did not moveExample: HydrodictyonHydrodictyon commonly found in freshwater and colony-like nets. Size large enough so that it can be seen with the naked eye. Vegetative reproduction by zoospores and fragmentation.Fragmentation is done by removing some of the colony and form new colonies. while generative reproduction by conjugation.
d. Chlorophyta shaped colonies may moveExample: VolvoxVolvox is found in freshwater, spherical colony number between 500 -5000 fruit. Each cell has two flagella and an eye spot. Asexual reproduction by fragmentation and sexually by conjugation of gamete cells.
e. Chlorophyta threadlikeExample:1. SpyrogyraThis disorder is found all around us the waters. body shape like a thread, within each cell there is a spiral-shaped chloroplasts and a nucleus. Vegetative reproduction by fragmentation, whereas sexual reproduction by conjugation. As for the conjugation steps, among others

Picture: SpyrogyraTwo threads were close together, adjacent cells each membenuk bulge. End of the second protrusion merges into contact with each other to form channels conjugation. Through that channel the flow of protoplasm pass from one cell to another. both plasma fused, called the event plasmogami and immediately followed by the so-called core pelburan kariogami. Results of fusion to form diploid zigospora. zigospora undergo meiosis and develop into the appropriate place spirogyra new threads haploid.
2. OedogoniumThread-shaped algae, found in water atawar and attached at the bottom waters. vegetative reproduction by each cell produces a lot of zoospores of flagella.Generative reproduction is one of the threads forming the male genitalia (antiridium) and produce male gametes (spermatozoid). On other threads that form the female genitals are called oogonia. Oogonia will produce female gametes (ova). Tozoid sperm to fertilize the ovum and the zygote is formed. Zygote will grow to form an individual.
f. Chlorophyta sheet-shapedExample:1. UlvaThe algae found in the bottom waters of the sea and settles on the bottom, such as leaf shape. Bial develops vegetatively by producing spores and Ulva spores grow into a haploid (n), Ulva called haploid haploid gametophyte. Then the generative produce male gametes and female gametes. meeting of the male gametes and female gametes to produce a zygote (Z2n). Zygote develops into a diploid Ulva called sporophytes. Furthermore, sporophytes form haploid spores after meiosis. Further experience mitosis and produce haploid gametophyte.2. CharaChara live in fresh water, especially attached to the rocks. Talus forms such as plant height, resembling the stem, which with jointed and branched, small-sized. In ruasnya nukula and globula there. Inside there nukula arkegonium and produces ova. Inside there globula anterodium producing spermatozoid. Spermatozoid will fertilize an ovum and produces zigospora walled cells. In the vegetative reproduction is done by fragmentation.
B. PigmentOwned chloroplast pigment chlorophyll Chlorophyta group a and chlorophyll b, beta carotene and various xantofit (lutein, violaxantin, zeaxanthin). Carotene appears as a character reddish yellow color. While xantotif appear as shades of yellow color with a unique color. According levavascur (1989) that the photosynthetic pigments and in green algae contain chlorophyll a and b shiphoxanthim or lutein.
C. Food ReservesFood reserves in the form of starch in green algae, organized as unbranched chains of glucose that is amilose and branched chains of amylopectin starch is often formed in the granules together with a material called pirenoid proteins in plastids.
D. Body CompositionGreen algae have a body composition that varies in size and in shape and susunanya. There Chlorophyta composed of small cells which are thread-shaped colonies of branching or not, there is also a form colonies that resemble kormus higher plants. From the many variations of the green algae classified as follows:1. Single cell (unicellular) and motile, example: Chlamidomonas2. Single cells and non-motile, eg Chlorella3. Colonies senobium the colonies that have a certain number of cells that have a relatively fixed shape, eg Volvox, Pandorina.4. Colonies not bertauran, example: Tetraspora5. Shaped - unbranched filaments, eg Ulothrix, OedogoniumFilaments branched, for example: Chladhopora, Pithopora1. Hetemtrikus, branching filaments whose shape is divided into parts that fall down (prostrate) and the upright, for example: Stigeoclonium2. Foliaceus or parenkimatis, ie filament vegetatisnya cell division occurs more than one field, eg Ulva3. Tubular, the Talus, who has obtained many nuclei without transverse bulkhead, eg Caulerpa
E. Cell structureThe cell walls are composed of two layers, the inner layer is composed of cellulose that can give the hardness in the cell wall and the outer layer is pectin. But some nations volvocales algal wall contains no cellulose, but rather is composed of glycoprotein. Caulerpales cell walls containing xylan or Mannan.Core at the core there clorophyta there prokaryotes and eukaryotes, mostly core. The point is shrouded in the nuclear membrane and the nucleus contained chromatin. But there is generally a single core that has more than one nucleus.
F. Tool motion / flagellumThere are two types of movement in the Chlorophyta, namely:1. Movement of the flagellaFlagella in whiplash-type class always chlorohyceae (akronematik) and equal in length (isokon), except to the nation oedogoniales, has type stefanokon. Flagella associated with a very delicate structure called a neuromotor apparatus. Each flagellum consists of axonema composed by 9 dupklet microtubules surrounds the central part there are two singlet microtubules. This kind of structure is known as the 9 + 2 arrangement. Flagella are surrounded by a plasma sheath.2. Movement with mucus secretionIn Chlorophyta occur due to movement of the light stimulus is assumed by the secretion of mucus through the porous walls of the cell at the apical part of the cell. During the forward movement of the pole swinging from side to side so that the rear portions of mucus such as meandering.
G. BreedingBreeding occurs in Chlorophyta by 3 ways:1. VegetativelyPerkembanganbiakan vegetative fragmentation in the Chlorophyta with her body and pebelahan cells.
2. Sexually- Through the conjugation of the mating breeding spirogyra example.- Isogami the fusion of two gametes are the same shape and size.- Anisogami the fusion of two gametes are not the same size.- Oogami the fusion of two gametes is a small and moving (as sperm) is another large immobile (as eggs)Some examples of sexual reproduction:- Isogami: Chlorococcum, Chlamydomonos, Hydrodictyon- Anisogami: Chlamydomonas, Ulva- Oogami: Chlamydomonas, Valva, Spirogya, Aedogonium
3. AsexuallyPerkembanganbiakan asexually can occur with the formation of:Asexual- Ie zoospores berflagel 2 cells for example Chlamydomonos- Aplanospora the spores are not moving for example Chlorococcum- Autospora ie aplanospora similar to stem cells for example Chlorella
The class Chlorophyta divided into several classes, one of which is the class chlorophyceae.Habitat: Most live in fresh water and some that live in sea water, moist places and are also areas of extreme temperature / bersalju.Beberapa areas such as free-living phytoplankton, epiphytes, endofit, epizoik and the symbiosis with the fungus .Pigments: Various kinds of pigments contained in the class chlorophyceae is chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, carotene, xantofil consisting of lutein, neoxantin and zeaxiantin.The composition of the cell: cell wall consists of two layers, an inner layer composed of cellulose and CaCO3 and an outer layer composed of pectin. eukoriotik type cell nucleus, the singular number and lot.Food reserves: Reserves chlorophyceae class food on the form of carbohydrates, starch, cattle and oil. Tool motion in this class of flogl. *
Breeding: Breeding in class chlorophyceae can occur through three ways, namely:
Vegetatively is by division and by fragmentation. Cleavage only for individuals with a body shaped single cells
Sporik by formingAplanospora the spores that can not be movedPlanospora the spores that can moveAutospora is derived from aplanosporaAutokolomi who also came from aplanosporaAkinet that form hipnospora, namely that the walls are thick aplanospora
Based on the can / absence of gamete moves, divided into:• Zoogamet / Zoogami of gametes that can move• Aplanogamet / aplanogami of gametes that can not be moved
Bagsa Chlorococcales
Vegetative cells do not have a feather whip so it is not moving. Has one nucleus and one chloroplast. They are a colony of many forms, and no longer perform the vegetative cell division.
Perkembanganbiakan with zoospores which have two feather whip, or with spores that had feathers whip tiddak called aplanospora. Isogami Perkembanganbiakan with among others the genera Pediastrum.
Chlorococcales live as plankton in fresh water, sometimes also on the skin of the trees and the walls are wet. Some are living in symbiosis with lichenes function as there is even a low-life in plasma of animals, such as Chlorella vulgaris and Hydra dam infusoria.
By a biologist of the Japanese, Chlorella has been attempted to be processed into various foods. Thus open up new prospects of food production, even by experts it can cause a revolution in the food supply problem.
In this nation, including among others:Hydrodictyceae tribe, examples pediastrum bonganumChlorococcaceae tribe, Chlorococcum example humicale
Nation Ulotrichales
The cells always have one nucleus and one chloroplast are still simple form colonies in the form of branching threads or not. The threads that always get longer because their cells divide transversely. A higher level of talus has a wide and attached to a substrate / mat. And this Talus was to have such arrangement parenchymal tissue. There is also a talusnya tubular or ribbon.
In this nation, including among others:Ulotrichaceae tribe, for example: Ulothrix zonataTues cells form colonies in the form of threads and grow interkalar. Short cells, chloroplasts form a pipe. The base is attached to the substrate.
Ulvaceae tribes, including the Ulva Lactuca, Talus sladah resemble leaves, consisting of 2 layers of cells that form the structure like parenchyma. Zoospores with 4 feather whip, as big gametes, each with two feathers whip. Enteromorpha intestinal, pipes or ribbon-shaped colonies, but it is not there isogami anisogami

Cladophora NationNucleated cells are many, chloroplast-shaped nets with pirenoid pirenoid form colonies in the form of branching threads, into a file, live in freshwater or in sea water flows, and usually file the threads attached to a substrate. Reproduce vegetatively by zoospores and generative with isogami.
In the nation, including interest Cladophoraceae Cladophorales example cladophora glomerata and cladophora dichotoma.
Nation ChaetophoralesThe cells have a nucleus and most also one chloroplast. These organisms talusnya heterotrik, it means having a different base and tip, composed of threads of the creeping, branched and are pseudoparenkimatik. Grow flat on the substrate, and the upper part branching and useful as a means of reproduction.
Belonging to the nation include:Chaetophoraceae tribe, for example stigeoclonium lubricum, stigeoclonium tenue, live in fresh water, zoospores 4 with 4 feather whip and whip isogamet with two feathers.Coleochaetaceae tribe, for example coleochaeta scutata. Zoospores dengan2 feather whip. Disc-shaped base, the proliferation of generative with Oogami. Coleochaeta mostly live as epiphytes on other algae or aquatic plants, high levels of development.Trentepohliaceae tribe, for example Trentepohlia Aurea. Zoospores with isogamet has two feathers whip, has adapted to life on land, on rocks, tree trunks or on leaves as an epiphyte. Zoosporangia red because hematokrom. Spores are spread by wind.
Nation OedogonialesLive in fresh water, the cells have one nucleus and chloroplast-shaped nets. Thread-shaped colonies. Vegetative propagation by the formation of zoospores, and chlorophyll-free end has a lot of hair whips arranged in a bouquet. From one vegetative cell just out of zoospores only. Generative breeding with OogamiOedogoniales nation can only include one tribe alone is oedogoniaceae example oedogonium concatenatum and oedogonium ciliatum.
Nation siphonalesThe shape bernmacam kinds, mostly living in seawater, does not have didnding talusnya transverse separators. So that the cell wall surrounding the plasma masses containing many nuclei and chloroplasts. Only breeding tools are separated by a wall (septum).From siphonales can be called several types, among others:
Protosiphon botryoides (tribe protosiphonaceae)The algae is still very simple, living on wet ground teridiri talus just above the cell. The part above ground shaped like a bubble, green and contain many nuclei. Rizoid attached to the ground with long, unbranched and colorless.
Halicystis ovalis (tribe Uhalicystidaceae)The algae resemble profosiphora, but live in the sea
Caulerpa prolifera (tribe caulerpaceae)Green algae that live in the middle of the ocean. Upper talus resembling the leaves and the amount of up to several decimetre, useful for assimilation and called asimilator. The lower part consists of an axis of absorbing, colorless and does not contain leukoamitoplas and rizoid on anisogami perkembangbiakanseksual ie, all plants both male and female gametes respectively issued in green in very large quantities of gametes and after removing it and dies .Vaucheria sessilis (tribe vaucheriaceae)
Talus thready and irregular branching, attached to the substrate with rizoid-rizoid which is a file. Because the talus has no transverse bulkheads, the Talus looked like a pipe branching. Asexual propagation by zoospores. While the proliferation of generative (sexual) with Oogami.
Place in a systematic vaucheria still not clear. The tools of sexual and asexual reproduction found in an individual. Reduction division occurs in the zygote germination. Given the location and arrangement of feathers feather whip whip on soermatozoidnya, as well as color substances in plastidanya (without klorfil b, but many xantofil) and reserve substances consisting of oil and flour then vauheria by the experts included in heterocontae. But when viewed from the feather whip at the same zoosporanya long and shiny hair without the vaucheria only classified in chlorophyceae
Acentabularia wettsternii (tribe dasylandaceae)
Talusnya resemble toadstools at the base of the stalk there is a great core. The algae found in the middle of the ocean and talusnya reinforced with lime. Anisogami sexual breeding.

H. Posotif And Negative Impact Chlorophyta In Lifea. The positive impact1. As an example of single cell protein sources chlorela2. For example Volvox meal ingredients as vegetable3. As plankton, is one important component in the food chain in freshwater4. Generate O2 (oxygen) and the results fotositensis required by other animals to breathe
b. The negative impact1. Can interfere if the waters are too fertile2. Make the water change color and become smelly3. Become a problem in the process of water purification4. Cause blockage of the filter water treatment.
There are various types of green algae are:

Algae threads
Is a green algae of the genus spyrogyra. Forming clumps in the form of thin threads, long and light green. Algae have a requirement to live close to yarn requirements of higher plants a good water conditions can trigger growth, especially accompanied with good lighting conditions. Algae yarn has the ability to grow relatively quickly. Although sometimes annoying, algea is not destructive, but it can certainly be a major competitor going nutrients.
Algae green spots
Algae is a form of small, round, measuring approximately 3 mm, colored green. These algae attach themselves firmly to the substrate. usually attached to the glass or on the leaves.
Algae green spots often appear on the new aguarium, when the water conditions not yet stabilized, or when the aquarium water quality decline. Although it does not cause enough damage but its presence can interfere with the scenery.
ConclusionGreen algae are among the groups terbessar algae and most live in fresh water, some of which live in sea water and brackish water. Generally attached to rocks and often appear when the water will run. Type of living diair fresh, cosmopolitan nature, especially living in a light quite like ponds, lakes, puddles, green algae were also found in semi-aquatic environment is on the rocks, soil moisture and the moist bark of trees. Some members live in the water floats or float, some live as plankton.There are various types of green algae including: Algae thread, is a green algae of the genus spirogyra. Specks of green algae, algae is a form of small, round, measuring approximately 3 mm, colored green. These algae attach themselves firmly to the substrate. usually attached to the glass or on the leaves.

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